
  1. Greetings from the University President

Greetings from the University President

University President

“Aiming at education that fuels students’ minds” + α (extract from movie for 50th anniversary)

I have always believed that the talent required by the future society will be “young people who are active worldwide and equipped with problem-solving capabilities.”
Having thought how to foster such talent, I have come to the conclusion that programs that “awaken the potential of individual students through practical learning” are most important.
Thus, we are making efforts that go ahead of and beyond the times.
While respecting the pragmatism that Sojo University has placed at the core of its education, we are also fostering talented students who can succeed by using AI and IoT in such times when businesses are expanding beyond national borders. Toward those ends, and as part of our global human resource development, we proactively conduct academic exchanges with partner universities, accept international students, and dispatch our students overseas.